Vol. 4 No. 2 (1993)
Original Articles
Asymptomatic Proteinuria and Hematuria in School Children
Abstract views: 64 / PDF downloads: 76 -
Video-Assisted Minimal Invasive Thoracic Surgery: A Review of 81 Surgical Procedure
Abstract views: 55 / PDF downloads: 76 -
Determination of in Vitro Susceptibilities of Candida Strains Isolated From Clinical Specimens as Pathogen to Systemic Antifungal Agents [Klinik Örneklerden Patojen Etken Olarak İzole Edilen Candida Suşlarının Sistemik Etkili Antifungal Ajanlara Duyarlılıkları]
Abstract views: 188 / PDF downloads: 59 -
A Research Related to The Effects of Different Intensity DC Currents on Blood and Coagulation Parameters. III- Prothrombin Time [Farklı Şiddetteki Doğru Akımların Kan ve Koagulasyon Parametreleri Üzerine Etkilerinin Araştırılması. III- Protrombin Zamanı Üzerine Etkileri]
Abstract views: 47 / PDF downloads: 70 -
The Diagnostic Value of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Vertebral Metastasis [Vertebra Metastazlarında MRG'nin Tanı Değeri]
Abstract views: 49 / PDF downloads: 53 -
Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Spinal Dysraphism [Spinal Disrafizmde Magnetik Rezonans Görüntüleme]
Abstract views: 52 / PDF downloads: 67 -
Human Placental Lactogen Levels in Preeclamp
Abstract views: 52 / PDF downloads: 76 -
Psychological Symptoms in Patients with Hypertension [Hipertansif Bireylerde Psikolojik Semptomlar]
Abstract views: 64 / PDF downloads: 62
Case Reports
Preoperative and Postoperative Radionuclide Venography imagins in the evaluation of left iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis with palma procedure [Sol İliofemoral Ven Trombozu Nedeniyle Palma Ameliyatı Yapılan Hastanın Preoperatif Tanısında ve Postoperatif Değerlendirilmesinde Radyonüklid Venografi]
Abstract views: 55 / PDF downloads: 64 -
Bloody Nipple Discharge in lnfantile Gynecomastia [İnfantil Jinekomastide Kanlı Göğüs Akıntısı]
Abstract views: 53 / PDF downloads: 59 -
Secondary Amyloidosis [Sekonder Amiloidoz (Olgu Sunumu)]
Abstract views: 51 / PDF downloads: 65 -
A Rare Invagination cause at Childhood:Leiomyoma [Çocukluk Çağında Nadir Bir İnvajinasyon Nedeni: Leiomyom]
Abstract views: 39 / PDF downloads: 60
Review Articles
Chest Tubes Thoracostomy: Review Article
Abstract views: 55 / PDF downloads: 108 -
Nuclear Dacryocystography [NÜKLEER DAKRİYOSİSTOGRAFİ]
Abstract views: 50 / PDF downloads: 64 -
Abstract views: 54 / PDF downloads: 46