Secondary Amyloidosis

[Sekonder Amiloidoz (Olgu Sunumu)]

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  • Ziya Mete GATA Haydarpaşa Eğt.Hast.Çocuk Sağ.ve Hast.Srv.Doç.Dr.
  • İsmail Göçmen GATA Haydarpaşa Eğt,Hast.Çocuk Sağ.ve Hast.Srv.Yrd.Doç.Dr.
  • Yaşar Tülbek GATA Haydarpaşa Eğt.Hast.Dahiliye (Nefroloji) Srv. Doç.Dr .
  • Ferhan Karademir GATA Haydarpaşa Eğt,Hast.Çocut Sağ.ve Hast.Srv.Uzm.Dr.



FMF, Nephrotic Syndrome, Secondary Amyloidosis


The 13 years old male patient who had the diagnosis of FMF when he was 6½ years old and had been on colchicine therapy for 6 years, found to have hepatosplenomegaly, pretibial and scrotal edema on physical examination and massive proteinuria on routine urine analysis. Thereafter, renal biopsy performed and amyloid depositions were detected interstisially. As amyloidosis is a rare condition on childhood, we found suitable to report this case.


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How to Cite

Mete, Z., Göçmen, İsmail, Tülbek, Y., & Karademir, F. (1993). Secondary Amyloidosis: [Sekonder Amiloidoz (Olgu Sunumu)]. European Journal of Therapeutics, 4(2), 267–272.



Case Reports