Asymptomatic Proteinuria and Hematuria in School Children

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  • Ziya Bayraktaroğlu Assistant Professors of Pediatrics, Gaziantep University Faculty of Medicine
  • Yavuz Coşkun Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Gaziantep University Faculty of Medicine
  • Ali Çil Resident in Pediatrics, Gaziantep University Faculty of Medicine
  • Mehmet Boz Resident in Pediatrics, Gaziantep University Faculty of Medicine
  • Abdulkadir Yılmaz Resident in Pediatrics, Gaziantep University Faculty of Medicine



Screening, childhood, proteinuria, hematuria


A preliminary baseline survey was conducted estimate the prevalance of asymptomatic proteinuria and hematuria in a group of 1770 schoolchildren (778 girls and 992 boys). Urine specimens were collected in the moming and evaluated one hour using Ames Multistick-10 dispticks. Blood reaction positive urine samples with dipsticks were also evaluated microscopically. Hematuria and proteinuria were defined as a condition with more than four red blood cells per high powered field in the sediment of centrifuged urine and greater than 30 mg/d1 values in dipsticks, respectively. The prevalances of hematuria and proteinuria were found as 3.61 % (42 girls and 22 boys) and 5.59 % (51 girls and 48 boys) in a11 children. in six-eleven age population studied (551 girls and boys) the prevalances of hematuria was 2.71 % (20 girls and 10 boys) and proteinuria was 4.53 % (30 girls and 20 boys). in the other group aged twelve-eighteen (227 girls and boys) the prevalances of hematuria and proteinuria were 5.09 % (22 girls and.12 boys) and 7.34 % (21 girls and 28 boys).In the comparision of two groups prevalance of hematuria and proteinuria in the 12-18 age group were significantly higher than the other group.


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How to Cite

Bayraktaroğlu, Z., Coşkun, Y., Çil, A., Boz, M., & Yılmaz, A. (1993). Asymptomatic Proteinuria and Hematuria in School Children. European Journal of Therapeutics, 4(2), 158–163.



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