The Diagnostic Value of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Vertebral Metastasis

[Vertebra Metastazlarında MRG'nin Tanı Değeri]

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  • Yüksel Pabuşçu GATA Radyodiagnostik ABD, Yrd.Doç.Dr.
  • Cem Tayfun GATA Radyodiagnostik ABD, Doç.Dr.
  • İbrahim Somuncu GATA Radyodiagnostik ABD, Prof.Dr.
  • Taner Üçöz GATA Radyodiagnostik ABD, Doç.Dr.
  • M. Ali Yinanç GATA Radyodiagnostik ABD, Prof.Dr.
  • Bahri Üstünsöz GATA Radyodiagnostik ABD, Yrd.Doç.Dr.



Vertebral Metastasis, Magnetic Resonance Imaging


In the early stages of vertebral metastasis, it is hard to diagnose by plain radiograms and computed tomography. Whole body scintigraphy is sensitive to diagnose these lesions but it can not differentiate metastasis from inflamatory, traumatic and degenerative diseases. Recently, Magnetic Resonance Imaging is the most important imaging technique in the diagnosis of vertebral metastasis. Magnetic Resonance Imaging can easily demonstrate the meduller attack in vertebral bony structures and it can show the metastatic infiltrations in epidural spaces and paraspinal soft tissues.


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How to Cite

Pabuşçu, Y., Tayfun, C., Somuncu, İbrahim, Üçöz, T., Yinanç, M. A., & Üstünsöz, B. (1993). The Diagnostic Value of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Vertebral Metastasis: [Vertebra Metastazlarında MRG’nin Tanı Değeri]. European Journal of Therapeutics, 4(2), 211–218.



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