NANBH Viruses and Infectioions (Infections of HCV and HEV)


HCV, NANBH, HEV, InfectionAbstract
The morphology, transmission routes, infections, diagnosis and treatrnent of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) and Hepatitis E virus (HEV), which were called as NANBH virues were discussed in the article. Blood transfusion, haemodialysis patients, intravenous drug abusers constitute the major risk groups for HCV. Mother to infant perinatal transmission is stili under investigation. There are also Sexually transmitted sporadic cases. The majority of HCV hepatitis tend to be chronic hepatitis. Elevations of transaminases are seen but not as high as other types of viral hepatitis.For diagnosis, first and second generation anti-HCV EIA, RIBA could be used.PCR is the most sensitive method to detect HCV RNA. HEV is transmissed enterally and can cause epidemic infections. Epidemics are resulted from contaminated water sources and bad sanitary conditions. Antiviral therapy and interferon are used for NANBH treatment.
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