Video-Assisted Minimal Invasive Thoracic Surgery: A Review of 81 Surgical Procedure

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  • Levent Elbeyli Gaziantep University Medical Faculty, Department of Thoracic Surgery. Asst.Prof.
  • Carolina ENNKER Lungenklinik Heckeshorn, Berlin, Department of Thoracic Surgery. MD
  • Erol ERGÜLER Gaziantep University Medical Faculty, Department of Nuclear Medicine. Asst.Prof.
  • Dirk KAISER Lungenklinik Heckeshorn, Berlin, Department of Thoracic Surgery. Prof.MD



Thoracoscopic surgery, Video-assisted surgery


Video-assisted minima11y invasive thoracic surgery (VAMIS) is a new procedure that allows visualisation of and access to the intrathoracic organs without a thoracotomy incision. 81 consecutive patients are operated with this technique (group I n=66; group il n=15). We recently performed 54 pulmonary wedge and bulla excision using videothoracoscopic techniques. Average age 30.5 years (range 15 to 67 years). Indications were pneumothorax in 54 patients, small peripheral solitary nodule in 1, diffuse pulmonary infiltrate in 1, neurinoms in 3, pleural malignancies in 2, pulmonary cyst in 1, pleural thickening in 1, mediastinaly masses in 2, pleural fibrom in 1, pleural metastases in 1, pulmonary metastases in 13. There were no operative death. Intraoperative complications were 8 intercostal vessels bleeding, one patient required blood transfusion. Average hospitalisation was 7.2 days. Patients undergoing videoassisted thoracic operations seem to have reduced postoperative pain, shorter hospitalisation, and quicker recovery times. This new modality appears to have beneficial value for patients, but further evaluation and prospective studies are indicated.


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How to Cite

Elbeyli, L., ENNKER, C., ERGÜLER, E., & KAISER, D. (1993). Video-Assisted Minimal Invasive Thoracic Surgery: A Review of 81 Surgical Procedure. European Journal of Therapeutics, 4(2), 164–171.



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