Vol. 20 No. 1 (2014)
Gaziantep Medical Journal: Uluslararası bir dergi
Abstract views: 185 / PDF downloads: 73
Review Articles
Original Articles
Endothelial dysfunction in children with low birth weight, born at term
Abstract views: 61 / PDF downloads: 37 -
Psychiatric evaluation of married women who exposed to domestic violence Aile içi şiddete maruz kalan evli kadınların psikiyatrik değerlendirilmesi
Abstract views: 141 / PDF downloads: 74 -
Comparison of the effectiveness of intralesional triamcinolone acetonide injection vs. incision and curettage techniques in the treatment of chalazion Şalazyon tedavisinde lezyon içi triamsinolon asetonid enjeksiyonu ile insizyon ve küretaj yönteminin etkinliğinin karşılaştırılması
Abstract views: 166 / PDF downloads: 58 -
Altruism levels of nursing students Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin özgecilik düzeyleri
Abstract views: 254 / PDF downloads: 145 -
Anti-retroviral therapy adherence and its determinants among adult patients living with HIV/AIDS in South West Ethiopia: a facility-based cross sectional study Güney Batı Etiyopya’da HİV/AİDS’le yaşayan yetişkin hastalar arasında antiretroviral tedaviye uyma ve bunun belirleyicileri: olanak-tabanlı çapraz kesitli bir çalışma
Abstract views: 119 / PDF downloads: 54 -
Medication adherence in epilepsy and potential risk factors associated with non adherence in tertiary care teaching hospital in southwest Ethiopia Epilepside tedavi uyumu ve güneybatı Etiyopya’daki üçüncü basamak eğitim hastanesinde tedaviye uyulmamasına bağlı potansiyel risk faktörleri
Abstract views: 365 / PDF downloads: 197 -
Some occupational health hazards among fishermen in Alexandria city İskenderiye şehrindeki balıkçılar arasında bazı mesleki sağlık tehlikeleri
Abstract views: 344 / PDF downloads: 205
Case Reports
Extensive sacral hidradenitis suppurativa Yaygın sakral hidradenitis suppurativa
Abstract views: 169 / PDF downloads: 64 -
Lithiasis in spermatic veins Spermatik venlerde taş
Abstract views: 76 / PDF downloads: 32 -
Thyroid hemiagenesis: report of two cases and literature review Tiroid hemiagenezisi olan iki olgu nedeniyle literatürün gözden geçirilmesi
Abstract views: 78 / PDF downloads: 37 -
Primary thyroid lymphoma: mucosa associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma case Primer tiroid lenfoması: mukoza ilişkili lenfoid doku lenfoma olgusu
Abstract views: 95 / PDF downloads: 38 -
A case with dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans Dermatofibrosarkom protuberans olgusu
Abstract views: 109 / PDF downloads: 63 -
A case of tetanus presenting like acute dystonia Akut distoni gibi başvuran tetanos olgusu
Abstract views: 110 / PDF downloads: 32