Vol. 16 No. 3 (2010)

					View Vol. 16 No. 3 (2010)
Published: 2010-09-01

Review Articles

  • Sexual Health Education Model: IMB Model

    Abstract views: 216 / PDF downloads: 106
    Bilgin Kıray VURAL, Gülbanu Zencir
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.58600/eurjther.2010-16-3-1205-arch
  • Congenital Cataract

    Abstract views: 68 / PDF downloads: 360
    Oğuzhan Saygılı, Alper Dai, Yusuf Koçluk, Alper Mete
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.58600/eurjther.2010-16-3-1209-arch

Original Articles

Case Reports

  • Septic Arthritis Case Presented with Oligoarthritis in a Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Abstract views: 76 / PDF downloads: 65
    Yavuz Pehlivan, İbrahim Halil Türkbeyler, Özhan Uygun, Gazi Çömez, Ahmet Mesut Onat
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.58600/eurjther.2010-16-3-1222-arch
  • Early T Wave Inversion (Cardiac Memory Pattern)

    Abstract views: 87 / PDF downloads: 37
    Murat Yüce, Murat Sucu, Vedat Davutoğlu
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.58600/eurjther.2010-16-3-1226-arch
  • Resolution of Intracoronary Thrombus with Tirofiban Infusion: A Case Report

    Abstract views: 80 / PDF downloads: 53
    Zuhal Arıtürk, Ebru Tekbaş, Habib Çil, Yahya İsmailoğlu, M. Ali Elbey, Mehmet Yazıcı
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.58600/eurjther.2010-16-3-1230-arch
  • Man in the Barrel Syndrome

    Abstract views: 50 / PDF downloads: 141
    Uygar Utku, Aytaç Dinç, Mustafa Gökçe
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.58600/eurjther.2010-16-3-1232-arch

Technical Notes

  • The Comprasion of Grade Systems of the Mucoepidermoid Carcinomas

    Abstract views: 37 / PDF downloads: 98
    H. Hasan Esen , Hatice Toy, F. Cavide Erden
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.58600/eurjther.2010-16-3-1234-arch