Behçet Hastalığında Pulmoner ve Vasküler Lezyonlar
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Behçet Disease, Cardio Behçet, Vasculo BehçetAbstract
Behçet's disease was first reported by Prof.Dr.Hulusi Behçet in 1937 as a new disease which appeared as a triple symptom complex including recurrent oral genital aphtous ulceration and iritis. Becides these symptoms, such as vascular (% 6-50), Pulmoner (% 5), intestinal, articular, urogenital, cardiac and neurological involvements. The clinical course of Behçet's disease tends to show a certain order of appearence of the symptoms:Oral aphtous ulcers appear first, then skin eruptions, followed by ocular genital and articular involvements usually occur after the appearence of these symptoms. But some patients had vascular involvements initially. This may cause a delay in diagnosis. We present 20 case of Behçet's disease with vascular and pulmoner lesions and provide a brief review of the literature.
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