The Role Of Yersinia Enterocolitica In Childhood Diarrheas And The Antibiotic Susceptibilities
[Çocuk İshallerinde Yersinia Enterocolitica'nın Rolü Ve Antibiotiklere Duyarlılığı]
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Childhood diarrheas, Yersinia EnterocoliticaAbstract
Diarrheas are the important cause of mortalities in neonates and in other age groups. Recently dense studies on ethiopathogenesis of children diarrheas involve Yersinia enterocolitica in enteropathogenesis also. Of the 200 children who have diarrheas in 0-12 ages Yersinia enterocolitica was determined as an agent in 10. AJI isolations were performed with cold enrichment procudures and in Yersinia CIN Agar. The results of typing as isolated Yersinia enterocoliticas were identified in six serotype (0:3) and the other were four serotype (0:9). In the antibiotic susceptibility with dry disk diffusion tests that isolated and identified Yersinia enterocoliticas, the susceptibilities to Ooramphenicol and to Gentamisin were determined 70.0 %, 30.0 %, respectively.
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