Primer Enürezis Noktürnada Desmopressin Kullanılması

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  • Ziya METE GATA H.Paşa Eğt.Hst.Çocuk Sağ.ve Hast.Srv.Doç.Dr.
  • Doğan ERDEN GATA H.Paşa Eğt.Hst.Üroloji Srv.Doç.Dr
  • İsmail GÖÇMEN GATA H.Paşa Eğt.Hst.Çocuk Sağ.ve Hast.Srv.Yrd.Doç.Dr.
  • Serhan TUNÇAY GATA H.Paşa Eğt.Hst.Üroloji Srv.Uzm.Ögr.
  • Emin SARAOĞLU GATA H.Paşa Eğt.Hst.Çocuk Sağ.ve Hast.Srv.Uzm.Öğr.
  • Yavuz ÖNAL GATA H.Paşa Eğt.Hst.Üroloji Srv.Prof.Dr.



Enuresis Nocturna, Desmopressin, DDAVP (1-deamino-8-D arginine vazopressin)


In this study, the effect of desmopressin on primary enuresis nocturna was evaluated by a placebo controlled blinded trial on 29 patients.20 boys and 9 girls, ranging in age from 6 to 15 years were selected in a randomized manner. All patients had enuresis from birth. Neither none of the attendants had history of diurnal enuresis and encopresis nor had any neurologic, renal or urologic pathologies. With two exceptions, all of the patients revealed a history of familial enuresis. Some patients had been treated with water deprivation, night waking, tricyclic antidepressants and anticholinergic drugs before therapy which were found to be ineffective. The trial was designed in three periods. At first, two weeks of placebo, then 2 weeks of treatment (40 μgr/night), and then two weeks of post-treatment follow-up. The number of bed wettings were 4. 9 per week, which was reduced to 1. 7 in treatment period. In post-treatment period this number was 3.3. The difference between the placebo period and treatment period was significant (p(0.05). Although the relaps rate is high, the difference between the placebo and posttreatment period was also significant (p(0.05). This shows us that, once a day dosage desmopressin is an effective drug which has a fast acting and long lasting effect on primary enuresis nocturna.


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How to Cite

METE, Z., ERDEN, D., GÖÇMEN, İsmail, TUNÇAY, S., SARAOĞLU, E., & ÖNAL, Y. (1992). Primer Enürezis Noktürnada Desmopressin Kullanılması. European Journal of Therapeutics, 3(2), 191–197.



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