Detection of Hepatitis-B Virus Markers in Health Care Personnel and Healthy Blood Donors
[Risk Altındaki Sağlık Personelinde ve Sağlıklı Kan Donörlerinde HBV Belirleyicilerinin Araştırılması]
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Hepatit-B virus (HBV), Health care personnel, blood donorsAbstract
In this study 2204 sera from health care personnel who work in the Research Hospital of Gaziantep University and blood donors who live in Gaziantep were tested by Enzyıne-Imınuno assay (EIA) for Hepatitis-B virus (HBV) markers. The carrier rate for HBV was found 6.44 %. The distribution of this positivity rate was 7.32 % for health care personnel and 6.35 % for healthy blood donors. Besides this HBV carriership, the exposure rate to HBV was found 42.40 % according to the other HBV markers in hospital staff.
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