Treated With Gestajen in Endometrial Hyperplazi
[Endometrial Hyperplazi'de Gestagen Tedavisi]
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Noretisteron, Lynestnenot, Endometrial HyperplasiaAbstract
88 patient which have abnormal uterin bleeding in premenopausal period treated with lynestrenol or noretisteron, 18 of 75 cases which had cystic glanduler hyperplasia hystologically, treated with norethisteron, other 57 with lynestrenol and 9 cases which had adenomatous-hyperplasia and cases which had atypic glanduler hyperplasia all treated with lynestrenol, 3 months after with treatment norethisteron in 13 of 18 patient hystological improvement find out (% 72.2) and in 5 of them because the same patology remained, hysterectomy performed:20 of 57 patients (% 35.0) treated for cystic glanduler hyperplasia, and 3 of 9 patients treated for adenomatous hyperplasia are found improved at control FC aftear 3 months. 22 cases (include 6 ademomatous and 4 atypic hyperplasia went to hysterectomy. Another treatment is given to remained 25 cystic glanduler hyperplasia cases for three months and 6 of them improved, 6 went to hysterectomy. To the patients whom histological findings not changed are given lynestrenol again months, and 7 improved 6 did not, so performed hysterectomy. Thus, while 13 of the 18 patients who are given N.E. are improved (% 72.2), only 36 of 70 patients given lynestrenol are hystologically recoverid. (% 51.4) The difference between two groups are found istatistically significant (p 0.05).As a result, it is concluded that N.E. is more effective than lynestrenol.
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