Striatocapsular infarction and acquired stuttering

Striatokapsüler enfarktüs ve edinilmiş kekemelik

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  • Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin Department of Neurology and Stroke, Shorsh Military General Hospital, Sulaimaniya, Iraq.



Striatocapsular infarction, acquired stuttering, speech disorder


Striatocapsular infarction may result in a multitude of language and speech disturbances. Acquired stuttering is a rare speech disorder that occurs as an aftermath of this stroke syndrome. We report on the case of 6o-yearold right-handed woman who presented with acute right-sided hemiparesis and stuttering. Language assessment revealed intact comprehension, naming, reading and writing. When the patient spoke spontaneously, there were frequent initial prolongations with repetition of initial syllables. There was no word-finding difficulty or paraphasia. Her stuttering improved remarkably after few weeks but persistent in a very mild degree. Acute striatocapsular infarction-induced acquired stuttering is rare. It may be a transient event and generally holds a good prognosis. It can occur without subcortical aphasia or dysarthria.


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How to Cite

Amin, O. S. M. (2023). Striatocapsular infarction and acquired stuttering: Striatokapsüler enfarktüs ve edinilmiş kekemelik. European Journal of Therapeutics, 20(4), 342–344.



Case Reports