Peri-implantitis developing after placement of dental implant in a patient with a history of periodontitis and its treatment: A case report

Periodontitis hikayesi olan hastada yerleştirilen dental implant sonrası gelişen Peri-implantitis ve tedavisi: Olgu Sunumu

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  • Mehmet Vehbi Bal Periodontology Department, Gülhane Military Medical Academy
  • Vahdi Umut Bengi Periodontology Department, Gülhane Military Medical Academy
  • Işıl Saygun Periodontology Department, Gülhane Military Medical Academy



Periodontal diseases, dental implants, peri-implantitis, smoking, bruxism, regenerative medicine


Recently, wide spreading use of dental implants in the prosthetic treatment of edentulous areas has increased the encountered possibility of peri-implant diseases. Peri-implantitis is an inflammatory process, including also bone loss in peri-implant tissues. Many local and systemic factors may play a role in its etiology. Patient related factors such as previously periodontitis history, diabetes, genetics, poor oral hygiene, smoking, alcohol consumption lack of keratinized soft tissue and the other factors such as selected implant system and type, surface properties of the implant, occlusal forces on implant and surrounding tissues, conditions encountered during the placement of implant are the possible risk factors for peri-implant diseases. Similar to periodontal diseases in the treatment of peri-implantitis, clinical and radiological diagnosis, non-surgical periodontal treatment, and also in addition to mechanical and chemical decontamination applications surgical periodontal treatment techniques such as flap operations, osteoplasty, ostectomy and guided bone regeneration has been usually applied. The aim of this case report is to present the clinical and radiographical diagnosis in conjunction with the regenerative treatment process of peri-implantitis observed five years after the placement of dental implants in a male patient with previously periodontitis history.


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How to Cite

Bal, M. V., Bengi, V. U., & Saygun, I. (2023). Peri-implantitis developing after placement of dental implant in a patient with a history of periodontitis and its treatment: A case report: Periodontitis hikayesi olan hastada yerleştirilen dental implant sonrası gelişen Peri-implantitis ve tedavisi: Olgu Sunumu. European Journal of Therapeutics, 21(2), 158–163.



Case Reports