Effects of Bilateral Infraorbital-Supraorbital Nerve Block on Postoperative Pain Control and Drug Consumption in Rhinoplasty

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infraorbital nerve block, supraorbital nerve block, rhinoplasty, postoperative pain


Objective: Rhinoplasty is a common procedure performed in plastic surgery. Postoperative pain, edema, and periorbital ecchymosis are the most common acute complications of this surgical procedure. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the postoperative pain and analgesic consumption after rhinoplasty of patients who had bilateral supraorbital and infraorbital nerve block. Methods: Eighty-four patients who underwent rhinoplasty under general anesthesia, between 17 and 41 years of age, and who underwent intravenous patient-controlled morphine analgesia for postoperative analgesia were included in this study. The cases were divided into two groups: bilateral supra-infraorbital block with intravenous analgesic (Group B) and only intravenous analgesic (Group C). Demographic data, hemodynamic data, operation time, visual analog scale values, patient-controlled analgesia device data, complaints of nausea-vomiting, and antiemetic drug use were recorded. Results: The hemodynamic data of the cases included in this study were similar (P > .05). When compared with Group C, postoperative 1st, 6th, and 24th hour visual analog scale (VAS) scores were found to be significantly lower in Group B (P < .05). Morphine consumption at the end of the postoperative 24 hours was found to be significantly lower in Group B compared with Group C (P < .05). Conclusion: In this study, which cases undergoing bilateral supraorbital-infraorbital nerve block and IV morphine was used for postoperative analgesia after rhinoplasty, significant reductions were achieved in the postoperative VAS values and analgesic consumption of the cases where the block was used.


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How to Cite

Yılmaz, R., Arıcan, Şule, Hacıbeyoğlu, G., & Tuncer Uzun, S. (2021). Effects of Bilateral Infraorbital-Supraorbital Nerve Block on Postoperative Pain Control and Drug Consumption in Rhinoplasty. European Journal of Therapeutics, 27(3), 235–240. https://doi.org/10.5152/eurjther.2021.20095



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