Analysis of sociodemographic data of the patients admitted to a state hospital because of suicide attempt
İntihar girişimi nedeniyle bir devlet hastanesine başvuran hastaların sosyodemografik verilerinin incelenmesi
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Age, education, family, gender, marriage, occupational status, suicideAbstract
Suicide is a universal problem with a significant cause of death. The suicide event can be seen in patients with mental health disorder such as depression, anxiety or personality disorder and in normal people reacting stressful life circumstances. Thus, the suicide risk factors in the region must be analysed to determine the social, the cultural and the public requirements of the region. Dr. Ersin Arslan Government Hospital is a region hospital. The social status and the characteristics of the patients that admitted to Dr. Ersin Arslan Government Hospital Emergency Service after suicide attempt in 2013 were determined. The patients were characterized as follows; 52.16% were them in 15-24 age interval, 64.18% of them woman, 37.98% of them graduated from elementary school. 73.03% of women and 77.18% of men were unemployed. The most common cause of suicide attempts for men and for women were family related problems. However, family related problems were more often reason for suicide attempts for women (52.43%) than for men (36.24%). The second most common cause of suicide attempts for woman patients was marriage (22.1%). In The Southeastern Anotolia Region, as a result of dominant male ideology, gender inequality processes and this creates significant risk factor for suicide attempts for women. The second most common reason for men was alcohol-substance abuse (16.78%). Also, this characteristic draws attention to alcohol-substance abuse in the region.
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