The effects of two different teaching techniques on the knowledge level of nursing students about HPV
İki farklı öğretim tekniğinin hemşirelik öğrencilerinin HPV ile ilgili bilgi düzeylerine etkisinin incelenmesi

Scenario Based Learning, Phillips 66 Teaching Technique, human Papilloma virus, nursing, studentAbstract
This study’s purpose is to increase nursing students’ knowledge level about HPV and vaccines of HPV, and encourage them to be vaccinated by using two different discussion based teaching techniques. This study performed with 40 volunteer students selected by simple random method by using Scenario Based Learning (SBLT) and Phillips 66 Teaching Techniques (PTT) and pre-post-test quasi-experimental model between 01.09.2013 to 31.01.2014. In data collection, Individual Data Collection Form (IDCF) and Knowledge Level Measurement Questionnaire (KLMQ) were used. Knowledge Retention Test (KRT) was administered to students after 20 days. In data analysing, Chi-square and Fisher’s Exact Tests were used. HPV and vaccination knowledge of the students were found 57.5% insufficient and 65% of them not believe the protectiveness of HPV vaccine. There were statistically significant diffence between the students’ believe of the protectiveness of HPV vaccine and the desire of them to be vaccinated (p=0.00). There were not any diffence between the techniques’ effects on achievement level (AL) of the students after education (p>0.05). But, there were significant diffence between AL of the students before and after the education (p=0.00). There were not any diffence between after the education and KRT AL of the students (p>0.05). 20 days after the education, 87.5% of them believe the protectiveness of HPV vaccine. 85% of them wanted to be vaccinated after the education. These teaching techniques increased students' knowledge of HPV, but between them there were not any significant difference. The vaccine protectiveness believes of them and expensiveness of the vaccine effect their vaccination request.
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