Active learning versus lecture-based approaches in occupational training programs of intensive care nursing staff at Al-Ahrar Hospital, Zagazig City, Egypt
Mısır Zagazig şehri Al-Ahrar Hastanesi’nde çalışan yoğun bakım hemşirelerinin mesleki eğitim programlarında ders verme tabanlı yaklaşımlara karşı aktif öğrenme
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Active learning, intensive care, nursing staff, occupational training programsAbstract
The occupational health and safety (OHS) training will facilitate nurses’ understanding of the connection between workplace factors and their injuries and illnesses. Nursing training must keep up with the rapidly changing medical landscape to support the competences of nurses in the areas of critical thinking, problem solving and creativity. Promotion of OHS system through integration of active learning approaches of occupational training into the hospitals' overall training program at Al-Ahrar hospital, Zagazig city with the following objectives: (1) Identify and assess OHS hazards for Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nurses. (2) Prioritize OHS hazards. (3) Implement different intervention training methods for ICU nurses for highly prioritized hazards. (4) Compare the effect of active training methods versus conventional training methods on ICU nurses’ knowledge and attitude. A biphasic study was done on ICUs of Al-Ahrar hospital, Zagazig city: First phase: Cross-sectional study was carried out with 60 nurses to evaluate their job hazards. Second phase: Interventional study; an OHS training program was conducted for 48 nurses. Participants were randomly assigned into two different groups; conventional lecture-based learning (CLL) and problem-based learning (PBL) strategy. The improvement of knowledge and attitude was significantly higher among PBL group than CLL group in both post-test (P<0.05) and follow-up test (P<0.01). There was statistical significant difference between both groups of PBL and CLL in there evaluation of the training method (P<0.05). There is a clear need for changes in the OHS training strategies to be more interactive and collaborative.
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