Morphometric and Morphological Evaluation of the Atlas: Anatomic Study and Clinical Implications

Atlas, craniovertebral junction, dry bone, morphometry, morphologyAbstract
Objective: Atlas is located at a critical point close to the vital centers of the medulla oblongata, which can be compressed by the dislocation of the atlantoaxial complex or instability of the atlantooccipital joint. This study aimed to determine in detail the morphometric and morphological characteristics of the atlas to guide the reduction of the risk of complications and increase the success rate in various surgical approaches for the craniovertebral junction.
Methods: In this study, 17 atlas vertebrae whose measurement parameters were pronounced and unknown gender, age, and ethnic characteristics were examined.
Results: Totally 16 parameters, 11 of which were bilateral and 5 were unilateral, were examined on the atlas. Also, no accessory foramen transversarium was found in these atlas vertebrae. Of the 23 foramina transversaria that were prominent and not broken, 7 were found to be round-shaped (30.43%), and 16 were oval-shaped (69.57%).
Conclusion: It is deducted that the results obtained in this study will help to have information about the morphometry and morphology of atlas vertebrae. Although information such as age, gender, and ethnic origin is not known about the bones evaluated, it is the advantage of this study that a large number of parameters are evaluated and compared with previous publications. Nevertheless, it seems that there is a need for studies in which much more cases are assessed, and information such as age, gender, and ethnic origin is known.
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