Pneumatic reduction in the treatment of childhood intussusception cases
Çocukluk çağı invajinasyon olgularında pnömatik redüksiyon sonuçları
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Childhood, intussusceptions, pneumatic reductionAbstract
Intussusception that is defined as insertion of proximal intestine into distal segment is the second most common acute abdomen pathology after appendicitis. In this retrospective study, we evaluated the patients presented with intussusception and the results of pneumatic reduction. A retrospective analysis of files and operation logs of patients with intussusception from 2007 to 2011 were done. In this study, 13 male (72,2%) and 5 female (27,8%), totally 18 patients were analyzed. Mean age was 20,36 months (6,5-95 months). The most common clinical presentations were abdominal pain, vomiting, bloody stool and irritability and duration of complains were 6-52 hours. Although in all patients signs of intussusception were found on abdominal ultrasound examination, in 8 (44%) patients abdominal mass was detected on physical examination. In 15 (83,3%) patients pneumatic reduction was successfully performed and manual reduction was done in 3 (16,7%) patients. In conclusion, abdominal ultrasound that was performed in patients presented with abdominal pain and vomiting may affect the rate of early diagnosis of intussusception. In these patients, pneumatic reduction, as a first choice of treatment, can be carried out easily and successfully.
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