The role of electroencephalogram in childhood neurological disorders
Çocukluk çağı nörolojik bozukluklarda elektroensefalogramın rolü

Electroencephalography, epilepsy, paroxysmal eventAbstract
The aim of this study was to obtain a baseline for clinical application of electroencephalography (EEG) in children and to evaluate the EEG findings in children with various acute and chronic central nervous system disorders and nonepileptic events. EEG records of 250 patients were studied in Neurophysiology Departments of Queen Rania Al-Abdullah Hospital for Children in Jordan. For each patient who had undergone EEG the following data were recorded: age, sex, source of referral (inpatient or outpatient department), reason for EEG, diagnostic impressions, clinical presentation, the result of the EEG examinations and clinical correlation between the seizure type and EEG finding. Males (55%) were slightly outnumbered than females. The majority of cases were between 6-12 years. Total of 63.2% of all referrals for EEG were from outpatient clinics while inpatients accounted for 36.8% of referred cases, with Pediatric Neurology Department referrals being the highest (28.8%). Majority of diagnosis at referral were suspected epilepsy (80%) with epileptiform EEG abnormalities in 32%. Over all 64% the EEG records were normal, including all EEG records of children with syncope and headache. We conclude that there are many unnecessary routine EEG recordings in children. Investigation of epilepsy and acute encephalopathies appear to be the most valuable indications for routine pediatric EEG. EEG can be helpful in classification of seizures. Finding a way to reduce EEG requests is recommended.
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