Pleural Effusions Complicating Upper Abdominal Surgical Pathologies in Children
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Pleural effusion, upper abdominal surgery, pulmonary complications, laparotomy, children, adolescentAbstract
Intractable pleural effusions can occur during the courses of serious intraabdominal surgical pathologies. Information about the pathogenesis, presentation and management of this pulmonary complication is limited in the literature particularly for the childhood period. In this study we aimed to present our experience on management of three adolescent patients with pleural effusions which developed after upper abdominal surgical pathologies. According to the data collected from our patients, presence of peritoneal fluid, fever higher than 38ºC and adolescent age can be risk factors for development of pleural effusions. If intractable fluid collections resist to multiple thoracentesis then tube thoracostomy may be needed for the treatment.
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