Evaluation of Effectiveness and Safety of Everolimus Eluting Stent System (XIENCE V) in the Treatment of Coronary Artery Lesions

Drug eluting stent, everolimus, coronary artery diseaseAbstract
Objective: Drug eluting stents have become an important component in percutaneous treatment of patients with symptomatic coronary artery disease. The population in the previous drug eluting stent studies has very risk profile, and therefore not reflects real-world information. Moreover, there are limited data to evaluate risk factors and predictors of intended outcomes. In this study, everolimus eluting stent (XIENCE V) implantations and follow-up results in patients with coronary artery disease were evaluated. Methods: A total of 833 patients who underwent everolimus eluting stent deployment for coronary artery lesions were enrolled. Baseline demographic, clinic and angiographic data, procedure-related complications, and outcomes during follow-up were studied. Results: As primary endpoints, all-cause mortality was 1.3% and target lesion failure was 2.3%. As secondary outcomes, cardiac death, target lesion revascularization, target vessel revascularization, myocardial infarction, and stent thrombosis were seen 0.84, 0.8%, 2.2%, 0.6%, and 0.24%, respectively. Premature discontinuation of dual antiplatelet therapy and presentation with acute coronary syndrome were strong predictors for all-cause and cardiac mortality. Conclusion: Despite heterogeneity and high-risk profile of our patients, procedural-related complications and primary and secondary outcomes were very low with high clinical device and procedure success. These results demonstrate effectiveness and safety of the XIENCE V everolimus eluting stent in a highly complex, real-world patient population.
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