Comparison of 4% icodextrin and auto-crosslinked hyaluronic acid gel in terms of efficacy and cost effectivity in preventing postoperative abdominal adhesions

Adhesion, costs, hyaluronic acid, icodextrinAbstract
This experimental study was designed to compare the effects and costs of 4% icodextrin and hyaluronic acid in intraabdominal adhesion formation in rats. This study included 30 healthy Wistar albino rats, each weighing 250-300 gr. Following cecal-ileal abrasion to rats in each group, the following treatments were applied: Group 1 (control, n:10) 5 ml saline irrigation; Group 2 (n:10) 5 ml 4% icodextrin solution; Group 3 (n:10) 3 ml auto-crosslinked hyaluronic acid gel. After 14 days, following a second operation, adhesion intensity scoring, histopathological assessment (inflammation, fibrosis) and costs were compared between groups. The lowest postoperative adhesion intensity score was found in the group 3 and the highest score was found in the group 1 (p=0.028). Group 3 had a non-significantly lower adhesion intensity score than group 2 (p>0.05). In terms of inflammation and fibrosis, group 2 had the lowest score, but there were no significant differences between all the groups (p>0.05). In terms of cost, 4% icodextrin is less expensive than hyaluronic acid. The results demonstrated that both hyaluronic acid and 4% icodextrin are similarly effective in reducing postoperative intraabdominal adhesions. In addition, 4% icodextrin is more cost-effective, which can be an advantage for clinical studies.
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