Comparison of the results in external dacryocystorhinostomy with single flap and double flap techniques
Eksternal dakriyosistorinostomi ameliyatlarında tek ve çift flep anastomoz sonuçlarının karşılaştırılması

Dacryocystorhinostomy, double flaps, silicone tube intubation, single flapAbstract
The aim of this study was to compare the success rate of single and double flaps anastomosis technique in the course of external dacriyocystorhinostomy (DCR) operation. Between December 2009 and June 2012, 168 patients operated for chronic dacryocystocystit by external DCR. All of these patients lacrimal canals were entubated with slicone tube after flaps were prepared. Patients were classified by their age, gender, complication and success rate of the surgery. Free nasal passage in lacrimal irrigation and relief from complaints of epiphora were determined as surgical success criteria. Of 168 patients who take part in the study, 97 were female, 71 was male. 86 of these patients operated by single flap technique, 82 of them operated double flaps anastomosis technique by external DCR. Out of 82 patients who operated double flap anastomosis, 31 of them were male and 51 were female. Median was 45.6 ±18.4. Out of 86 patients operated by single flap technique 40 of them were male and 46 of them were female median was 43.5 ±20.6. Median follow up time of double flap group was 20.4 ±4.3 months, single flap group was 19 ±9.7 months. Surgical success rate of double flap group was 95.2%, and 95.4% on the single flap group. The success rates were not found to be statistically different between two groups of patients (p>0,05). Our study suggests that external DCR with double flaps anastomosis has no difference from external DCR with single flap in terms of the surgical success rates. Single flap technique is much easier to perform and preferable.
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