Assessment of the prevalence of obesity, stunting, and hypertension among primary school children
İ̇lkokul çocuklarında obezite, bodurluk ve hipertansiyon yaygınlığının değerlendirilmesi

School children, obesity, stunting, hypertensionAbstract
Objective: The study aimed to investigate the prevalence of obesity, stunting, and hypertension problems among 5-14 year-old students from three primary schools.
Methods: The sample of this cross-sectional study comprised of 2930 primary school children (first-eight grade). The participants’ heights, weights, and blood pressures were measured.
Results: Of the participants, 17.4% were overweight, 22.8% were obese, 1.1% stunted, and 5.9% were short. In the eight-year age group, the percentage of overweight boy students was higher than that of the overweight girl students. The proportions of the students with stage I and stage II systolic hypertension were 6.8% and 3.2%, respectively. While 1.1% of the students had stage I diastolic hypertension, 5.5% had stage II diastolic hypertension.
Conclusions: The prevalence of stunting, overweight, and stage I and II hypertension among the children aged 6-14 years was high. Thus, it is important to identify such problems early among children and take precautions by conducting routine screenings in schools.
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