Direct anterior adhesive applications after orthodontic treatment: Two case report
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Composite restoration, esthetic approach, build-up, orthodontics applicationAbstract
Anterior group teeth which have colour, shape, pattern and position disorders consitute signifi cant part of esthetic problems in dentistry. Sometimes ortodontic therapy could not provıde intended approximal contact between teeth. Direct composite resin restorations can be applied as a method of conservative treatment for these problems. In this study we tried to maintain esthetic rehabilitation of 2 cases who had spaces between anterior teeth after ortodontic therapy by a conservative method. A coordinated treatment, including orthodontic movement and direct composite restorations was applied. At routine controls of patients there was no discoloration and cracks on composite resins. Smile design with combination of esthetic conservative applications is a less timeconsuming, low cost, after ortodontic treatment for stabilization and minimal invasive treatment option for patients after orthodontic treatment and provide stabilization after ortodontic therapy.
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