Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Web-based Intervention for Patients with Breast Cancer

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Breast cancer, web-based intervention, patient, psychoeducation


The study was conducted to define web-based patient education programs and to evaluate the effectiveness of a web-based intervention for patients with breast cancer. In this systematic review, we searched the Web of Science, Wiley Online Library, PubMed, and MEDLINE electronic databases for abstracts using the keywords “breast cancer,” “web-based intervention,” “online intervention,” and “web-based intervention.” There was no date limitation in the study, and the reviews were completed in December 2016. We identified 15 articles within the scope of this review. Web-based intervention included social support, exercise and dietary practices, self-help guides, self- management, and symptom management, which were detected to have a positive effect on quality of life, fatigue, pain, self-sufficiency, depression, and stress management. In conclusion, this systematic review showed that web-based interventions are effective in psychosocial treatment and care process and that they are eligible for use in this area.


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How to Cite

Özkan, B., Eskiyurt, R., & Öztaş, D. (2023). Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Web-based Intervention for Patients with Breast Cancer. European Journal of Therapeutics, 24(2), 72–76. https://doi.org/10.5152/EurJTher.2017.220



Systematic Review