A Case with Lomber Spinal Extradural Angioma


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  • Abdulvahap Gök




Spinal Angioma, Extradural space, Myelography


Extradural spinal angioma was diagnosed in the lomber region of a patient who referred to the neurosurgical clinic with signs and symptoms of disc herniation. The venous mass compressing the L2-3 roots bilaterally was coagulated by bipolar and the patient made an uneventuall recovery. This case is reported and the literature reviewed in reiation to the rarity of spinal angiomas and difficulties in diagnose.


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How to Cite

Gök, A. (1991). A Case with Lomber Spinal Extradural Angioma : EKSTRADURL SPİNAL ANJİOMA VAKASI. European Journal of Therapeutics, 2(1), 74–77. https://doi.org/10.58600/eurjther.19910102-605



Case Reports