Tuberculous Arthritis in the Elbow Joint in an Adolescent

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Adolescent, tuberculosis, elbow joint


Musculoskeletal system tuberculosis (TB) accounts for approximately 10% of all TB cases, excluding those involving pulmonary TB. Elbow TB is extremely rare and is seen in 2%–5% of musculoskeletal system cases. The diagnosis of TB arthritis is very difficult because its onset is insidious and progress is slow and there are nonspecific local and systemic symptoms. A delay in treatment can result in irreversible osteoarticular destruction. This paper presents the clinical and radiological findings of a 12-year-old adolescent patient with elbow TB arthritis.


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Author Biography

Ahmet Sığırcı

Division of Pediatric Radiology, İnönü University School of Medicine, Malatya


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How to Cite

Öztürk, M., Akatlı, A., Sığırcı, A., & Akpolat, N. (2023). Tuberculous Arthritis in the Elbow Joint in an Adolescent. European Journal of Therapeutics, 24(3), 185–188.



Case Reports