Scoliosis After Liver Transplantation in Pediatric Patients

Liver transplantation, musculoskeletal system, pediatric, scoliosisAbstract
Objective: Little is known about the development of scoliosis after pediatric liver transplantation. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the frequency of scoliosis and its relationship with potential risk factors in children after liver transplantation.
Methods: Pediatric liver transplantations (under of age 18) performed between January 2009 and December 2017 at Malatya İnönü University Institute of Liver Transplantation were scanned retrospectively. In the spinal axis, >10° lateral deviations were accepted as scoliosis. The curve patterns were classified according to the Lenke classification.
Results: Among 287 pediatric liver transplantationss, 17 of them were scoliosis (6%). Nine patients were females and eight were males. The median Cobb angle was 12° at the time of diagnosis and then 17° at the last follow-up. According to the Lenke classification, 11 patients had type 5 curve pattern. During the follow-up period (ranging from 1 to 11 years), scoliosis progression was slow and no patient requiring surgical treatment was detected.
Conclusion: We found that the prevalence of scoliosis increased after pediatric liver transplantation, but we do not have any definite information about the cause. Comparable new studies with more patients are needed to make a definitive conclusion in this regard.
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