Polyclonal Antibody Production Against HaptenStructured KDN Molecule by Using Different Adjuvants Alternative to Freund’s Adjuvant

KDN (2-keto-3-deoxy-D-glycero-D-galacto-nonionic acid), polyclonal antibody, ELISAAbstract
Objective: KDN (2-keto-3-deoxy-D-glycero-D-galacto-nononic acid), a member of the sialic acid family, is a hapten-structured low-molecular-weight monosaccharide on the cell membrane, which cannot induce immune responses without a carrier protein. Since it is over-expressed on the cancerous cells’ membrane, it is thought to be a great target molecule for anti-cancer treatments. The aim of this study is to obtain high titersof the anti-KDN polyclonal antibody response without using any carrier protein against the hapten-structured KDN molecule alternative to Freund’s adjuvants.
Methods: Montanide™ ISA 61 VG, a water-in-oil adjuvant; ISA 201 VG, a water-in-oil-in-water emulsion adjuvant; and IMS 1313 VG NPR, an aqueous-dispersion-based nanoparticle (50-200 nm) microemulsion adjuvant; and Freund’s adjuvant were used as anti-KDN antibody response stimulators. FourBALB/c mice were used for each adjuvant group, and immunization was performed at eight different time points. Anti-KDN antibody levels induced after each immunization with different adjuvants were detected with indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
Results: The adjuvant efficiency of Montanide™ ISA 61 VG water in oil adjuvant was 1.4 times higher than in Freund’s adjuvant (p<0.0001), with a maximum anti-KDN level on Day 83.
Conclusion: It’s shown that without any carrier protein conjugation molecules such as hapten-structured KDN, higher amount anti-KDN antibody titres could be obtained by using a more safe and effective Montanide™ ISA 61 VG water-in-oil adjuvant as an alternative to Freund’s adjuvants. In this regard, it may be possible to produce high-antibody titers without using any carrier molecule, especially when commercial large scale monoclonal antibodies are desired to be produced against haptens as therapeutic approaches
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