Comparison of Analgesic Effects Induced by Different Strengths of Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields

Analgesic effects, , extremely low-frequency magnetic fields, tail-flick test, hot-plate test, Wistar albino ratsAbstract
Objective: Our aim was to compare the results of the most commonly used analgesic measurement techniques and to determine the time and intensity at which the analgesic effects of the magnetic field (MF) are most effective.
Methods: This study compared the analgesic effect of MF strengths (1, 5, and 10 mT) in 30 adults, male Wistar albino rats weighing 200-250 g. The analgesic effects were measured using tail-flick (TF) and hot-plate (HP) tests. To determine the optimum MF strength, rats were assigned into four groups: sham group and exposed to 1, 5, and 10 mT MF groups. Rats were placed in a solenoid, and MF of 50 Hz for 165 min was administered daily for 15 days. All four groups were kept in the solenoid for 165 min/15 days and exposed to MF. However, the analgesic effect was measured only on day 0, 4, 7, 11, and 15 using TF and HP tests. The latencies of analgesia were converted to a percentage of maximal antinociceptive effects (% MPE).
Results: When the maximum analgesic effect of the 5 mT MF was determined on the seventh day, the% MPEs were 5.37±0.51, 13.66±1.27, 25.89±3.00, and 25.37±2.41 in the sham, 1 mT, 5 mT, and 10 mT groups, respectively. The optimum effect was observed with 5 mT MF on the seventh day and with 90 min in the solenoid.
Conclusion: We didn’t find any differences between the analgesic responses to the TF and HP tests.
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