Hepatitis B Markes in Diabetes Mellitus
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Diabetes Mellitus, HBV MarkersAbstract
Hepatitis B Markes in Diabetes Mellitus Serum markers included HbsAg, anti-HBs and anti - HBc were were studied in 58 diabetic patients and in 33 healthy control subjects. Of the patients, 30 had type-1 diabetes and 28 type-2 diabetes. There was not found any significant difference in the prevalance of HBV markers between the type-1 diabetic group and its control group. But there was a significant difference in the prevalence of HBV markers between the type-2 diabetic group ant its control group (46.4 % versus 6.3 % p (0.01). The increased occurrence of HBV markers did not seem to be related to patient age, age at onset of diabetes, diabetes duration, the degree of metabolic control and presence of microvascular complications. This study reveals a high degree of exposure to HBV in patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus.
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