The Comparison of the Clinical Findings to the lntravenous Pyelograpy and Ulturasonography in Gallbladder Tumors

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  • Ercan Devrimci Department of Radiodiagnosis Radiology, GATA Training and Research Hospital, Turkiye
  • Taner Üçöz Department of Radiodiagnosis Radiology, GATA Training and Research Hospital, Turkiye
  • İbrahim Somuncu Department of Radiodiagnosis Radiology, GATA Training and Research Hospital, Turkiye
  • Cem Tayfun Department of Radiodiagnosis Radiology, GATA Training and Research Hospital, Turkiye
  • Erkin Oğur Department of Radiodiagnosis Radiology, GATA Training and Research Hospital, Turkiye
  • Yüksel Pabuşçu Department of Radiodiagnosis Radiology, GATA Training and Research Hospital, Turkiye
  • Alper Alemdaroğlu Department of Radiodiagnosis Radiology, GATA Training and Research Hospital, Turkiye



ntravenous pyelography, ultrasonography, gallbladder tumor


Wth in this study, 30 vesical case been examined with intravenous pyelography and transabdominal ultrasonography and their valueshave been determined in diagnosis and the related staging and also their comparison with the other methods, has been held. it has been concluded that intravenous pyelography was an indisputable method ensuring the possibilitiy of examining ali urinary system simultaneously including the effects of tumor to the urinary system, besides its complete value in the diagnosis of the vesical tumors. Transabdominal ultrasonography must be used as a comlementary method to the IVP and cystoscopy together, in the diagnosis of vesical tumors. in addition, because of that it is an easy, non-invasive and a cheaper method, it has been emphasised that it would highly decrease the factor of the usage of cystoscopy, in the observation of vesical tumors. Also in the staging of vesical tumors, it has been proven that, it was superior to the other practical methods and that it would show the infiltration of tumor with high accuracy, so would guide to the surgial indications. Their contributions will be excellent in the diagnosis and the staging of vesical tumors, when both IVP and ultrasonography used together. The diagnosis and its accurarcy rate shall be increased when the techinque of ulturasonography and the group besides, are developed.


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How to Cite

Devrimci, E., Üçöz, T., Somuncu, İbrahim, Tayfun, C., Oğur, E., Pabuşçu, Y., & Alemdaroğlu, A. (1990). The Comparison of the Clinical Findings to the lntravenous Pyelograpy and Ulturasonography in Gallbladder Tumors. European Journal of Therapeutics, 1(1), 66–77.



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