Ocular Traumas and Conjunctival Flora in Newborns, Comparing with the Maternal Vaginal Flora

[Yeni Doğanlarda Göz Travmaları - Konjonktiva Florası İle Anne Vajen Florasının Karşılaştırılması]

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  • S. Sami İlker GATA Gôz kliniği
  • Abdullah Ceylan GATA ilk ve Acil Yardım merk.,
  • Kazım Aral Ankara Büyük Doğumevi
  • Necdet Bekir Gaziantep Ü. Tıp. Fak. Göz kliniği




Ocular trauma, malformation, flora, newborn


The purpose of this study is to analyze the data concerning ocular injuries, congenital abnormalities, and the conjunctival flora of newborns. For this reason, randomised 224 newborns at Ankara Central Maternity Hospital were examined. We found 2,2 percent ocular congenital malformations and abnormalities 2,6 percent extraocular congenital malformation and abnormalities among these babies. The fewest lesions have been met in those delivered by the Cesarian section, and all delivered that were made by forceps and other equipment have had some lesions depending on the birth trauma. We also found a close correlation between maternal vaginal flora and newborn conjunctival flora.


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How to Cite

İlker, S. S., Ceylan, A., Aral, K., & Bekir, N. (1991). Ocular Traumas and Conjunctival Flora in Newborns, Comparing with the Maternal Vaginal Flora: [Yeni Doğanlarda Göz Travmaları - Konjonktiva Florası İle Anne Vajen Florasının Karşılaştırılması]. European Journal of Therapeutics, 2(2), 150–157. https://doi.org/10.58600/eurjther.19910202-527



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