The Role of Nitric Oxide Related Therapeutics in the Treatment of Cardiovascular Pathologies

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  • Mehmet Kürşat Derici Department of Medical Pharmacology, Kırıkkale University, School of Medicine, Kırıkkale
  • Emine Demirel Yılmaz Department of Medical Pharmacology, Ankara University, School of Medicine, Ankara



Heart, nitric oxide, multiple roles, mechanism, therapeutic implication


The heart is a bio pump responsible for the provision of oxygen and nutrients to all body cells. It plays a vital role in the survival of the organism. The essential function of the heart is performed through the close interaction of the cardiac myocytes with the endocardial and capillary endothelial cells. The endothelium releases nitric oxide (NO) and modulates several physiological and pathological processes. The cardiac myocyte is also capable of NO production. Although the effect of NO on cardiac responses has been examined, data regarding the effect of NO on the heart remain controversial. The discrepancies in studies can be explained by several factors, such as different animal species, preparation, redox status, and NO concentration. However, an increasing interest in the role of NO has generated significant progress in the investigation of NO-based therapies. In this review, first, the general properties of NO are described as well as the physiological functions and pathological role in the heart. Then, an evaluation is made of several important NO-related treatment options, such as NO donors, NO synthase inhibitors, phosphodiesterase inhibitors, and soluble guanylate cyclase stimulators/activators. A summary is also given of NO-based drug candidates planned for use in clinical trials in the near future.


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How to Cite

Derici, M. K., & Demirel Yılmaz, E. (2023). The Role of Nitric Oxide Related Therapeutics in the Treatment of Cardiovascular Pathologies. European Journal of Therapeutics, 24(3), 127–135.



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