Beta Lactamase activity and Ampicillin Resistancy of Heamophilus lnfluenzae


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  • Hüseyin Gün GATA, Tıp Fakültesi, Mikrobiyolojik ve Ki. Mik. ABD



Haemophylus influnzae, Beta Lactam antibiodies


Ampicillin resistance of Haemophylus influenzae is primarily depends on beta lactamase activity. The resistance can be defined by detecting the enzyme activity of the bacteria. Other resistance mechanisms are very rare. in this study beta lactamase activity and ampicillin resistancy were investigated on H. influenzae strains isolated form upper respiratory trancts of 0-6 years old. Eight strains of 40 were found beta lactamase positive and the same eight strains were found resistant to ampicillin. Beta lactamase positive and the same eight strains were found resistant to ammpicillin. Beta lactamase enzyme activity of H. influenzae is a useful criteria to show the ampicillin resistancy of the bacteria.


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How to Cite

Gün, H. (1991). Beta Lactamase activity and Ampicillin Resistancy of Heamophilus lnfluenzae: [HAEMOPHYLUS İNFLUENZAE’DA BETA LAKTAMAZ AKTİVİTESİ VE AMPİCİLLİN DİRENCİ]. European Journal of Therapeutics, 2(1), 23–26.



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