Primary Multiple Hydatid Cysts of the Brain in an Adult

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  • Aziz Hacıbektaşoğlu GATA İnf. Hast. ve Ki. Mik. ABD.
  • Mehmet Ali Yınanç GATA Radyodiagnostik Radyoloji ABD
  • Taner Üçöz GATA Radiodiagnostik Radioloji ABD.
  • Ali Yinal GATA İnf. Hast ve KL. Mik. ABD.
  • Fikri Kocabalkan GATA İnf. Hast. ve Ki. Mik. ABD.



Primary mu/tiple hydatid cysts, Computed Tomography


Hydatid disease caused by Echinococcus Granulosus usually occurs in form of cystic lesions in the livar and the lung. Central nervous system involvement in hydatidosis occurs in 0,9 % to 2, 1 % of cases. Cerebral hydatidosis is a pediatric disease and 93 % of cerebral cysts are found in children under the age of 17 years. lnfestation usually occurs very early in the life and because of slow growth of the cysts it usually takas several years for symptoms to develop. Primary hydatid cysts of the brain are usually single. We couldn't coincide with the occurrence of a primary multiple hydatid cysts of the brain in an adult in the literature before.


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How to Cite

Hacıbektaşoğlu, A., Yınanç, M. A., Üçöz, T., Yinal, A., & Kocabalkan, F. (1990). Primary Multiple Hydatid Cysts of the Brain in an Adult. European Journal of Therapeutics, 1(1), 98–103.



Case Reports