Seboreik Dermatit Tedavisinde, Topikal Ketokonazol Kullanımı

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  • Yavuz Harmanyeri GATA Haydarpaşa Egltlm Hastanesi Allerjl Servisi
  • Coşkun Acay GATA Haydarpaşa Egltim Hastanesi Deri ve Zührevi Hastalıklar Servisi
  • Keramettin Doğruöz GATA Haydarpaşa Egitim Hastanesi Deri ve Zührevi Hastalıklar Servisi



Seborrhoeic dermatitis, ketoconazole


in our study, twenty patients (7 females and 13 males) with seborrhoeic dermatitis of the scalp were treated, in three randomized groups, tor o maximum eight weeks, with 1 % hydrocortisone, 2 & ketoconazole or 2 % ketoconazole + 1 % hydrocortisone. Patients who treated theese drugs, were followed tor three months. At the and of this study, either 2 % ketoconazole or 2 % ketoconazole + 1 % hydrocortisone were significantly better than 1 % hydrocortisone.


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How to Cite

Harmanyeri, Y., Acay, C., & Doğruöz, K. (1990). Seboreik Dermatit Tedavisinde, Topikal Ketokonazol Kullanımı. European Journal of Therapeutics, 1(1), 94–97.



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