Digital Subtraction Angiography tor lnvestigation of Renovascular Hypertension

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  • Taner Üçöz GATA Radyodiag. Rady. ABD
  • Erkin Oğur GATA Radyodiag. Rady. ABD
  • İbrahim Somuncu GATA Radyodiag. Rady. ABD
  • Mehmet Ali Yinanç GATA Radyodiag. Rady. ABD
  • Cem Tayfun GATA Radyodiag. Rady. ABD
  • Celalettin Yazgan GATA Radyodiag. Rady. ABD



Dijital substraction angiography, hypertension, renovascular disorders


Digital Subtraction Angiography is an new method of medical imaging tor investigation of possible renovascular causes of arteriel hypertension. A non-invasive examination, it is less costly than conventional renal arteriography and ı:an be performed in outpatients. Satisfactory images of tha renal arteries were obtained in 80 % of 40 hypertensive patients and the presence of lesions was confirmed in 29 cases.


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How to Cite

Üçöz, T., Oğur, E., Somuncu, İbrahim, Yinanç, M. A., Tayfun, C., & Yazgan, C. (1990). Digital Subtraction Angiography tor lnvestigation of Renovascular Hypertension . European Journal of Therapeutics, 1(1), 57–65.



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