Use of Longstanding the Teophylllne Only or Wlth Beta-2 Agonist in the Chllden With Bronchil Asthma


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  • Ziya Mete GATA Hayd_!Jrpaşa Eğitim Hastanesi, Çocuk Hast.
  • Erhan Ekinci Gaziantep Universitesi Tıp Fakültesi Göğüs Hast.
  • Recep Aydilek GATA Haydarpaşa Eğitim Hastanesi Göğüs Hast.
  • Selma Çetiner GATA Haydarpaşa Eğitim Hastanesi Çocuk Hast.



Brnochial asthma, theophylline, salbutamol


Aiming to treat 20 children with bronchial asthma we have used theophylline only and the other {1 O) receied both theophylline and B2 agonist drug. During the study, we serially measured pulmonary functions, oberserved clinical conditions and determined the levels of theohylline. On the da 21 after therapy ended, avarage blood theophyline level qas 8.17.±.17 microgram/ml in the group administered theophylline only. FEV 1 and Vmax25 values have increased to 11.94 and %25, respectively. On the same days, İn the second group which are given both theophylline and agonist increments of the values FEV1 , Vm8Xı5 and Vmax50 have been observed, as %15 and %33 respectively. These finding have shown that bronchodilatator effects of theophylline are augmented when using combined with Beta agonist.


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How to Cite

Mete, Z., Ekinci, E., Aydilek, R., & Çetiner, S. (1991). Use of Longstanding the Teophylllne Only or Wlth Beta-2 Agonist in the Chllden With Bronchil Asthma: [BRONŞİAL ASTMALI ÇOCUKLARDA UZUN ETKİLİ TEOFİLİNİN TEK BAŞINA VE BETA-2 AGONİSTLERİ İLE BİRLİKTE KULLANILMASI]. European Journal of Therapeutics, 2(1), 15–22.



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