Bronchospasm Durlng Bronchoalveolar Lavage


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  • Erhan Ekinci Gaziantep Üniv. Tıp Fakültesi Göğüs Hast. ABD
  • Recep Aydilek GATA H.Paşa EOit. Hast. Göğüs Hast. ABD
  • Orhan Arseven K.Ü. Tıp Fakültesi Göğüs Hast. ABD
  • Ayten Filiz Gaziantep Univ. Tıp. Fak. Göğüs Hast. ABD



Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscophe (FFB), Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) Broncohospasm


Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscop (FFB) has been frequently used, nowadays, for the purpose of examination of the lung, for taking a sample to study, and for treating some clinical conditions. Many investigations have been made about that FFB has caused bronchospasm, hypoxemia and cardiac arithmia. However, it has not been studied whether this kind of camplications ware caused by premedication or local anesthesia, which were inevitably necessary for this procedure, or by FFB itself. ln our studay, we measured serially static and dynamic lung function immediately before and after the applicaiton of premedication, topical anasthesia, and FFB on 11 healthy persons. in all parameters measured it has been oberserved an increase after the premedication and a definite decrease after the topical anesthesia and bronchoalveolar lavage wJth FFB. From this study, not only apptication of FFB but premedication and local anesthesia have also affected on lung function. We therefore concluded that it is necessary further investigations including functional residua capacity and blood gases parameters to clear this subject.


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How to Cite

Ekinci, E., Aydilek, R., Arseven, O., & Filiz, A. (1991). Bronchospasm Durlng Bronchoalveolar Lavage: [BRONKOALVEOLER LAVAJ İŞLEMİNİN BRONKOSPAZM ETKİSİNİN ARAŞTIRILMASI]. European Journal of Therapeutics, 2(1), 3–14.



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