The lmportonce of Tetanus Toxoid in the Evaluation of Delayed Type Hypersensitivity

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  • Aziz Hacıbektaşoğlu GATA İnf. Hast. ve Ki. Bak. ABD
  • Ali Şengül GATA İnf. Hast. ve Ki. Bak. ABD.
  • Alaaddin Pasha GATA İnf. Hast. ve Ki. Bak. ABD
  • Fikri Kocabalkan GATA İnf. Hast. ve Ki. Bak. ABD.
  • Pekcan Demiröz GATA, Turkiye



Delayed type hypersensitivity, Tetanus Toxoid


Delayed type hypersensitivity skin testing is commonly used tor the evaluation of cell mediated immun function in patients with suspected immundeficiency. We studied the usefulness of Tetanus Toxoid (TT) as a skin test antigen tor delayed type hypersensitivity in assessing cellular immune function. Candida Albicans (CA), Streptokinase/Streptodornase (SK/SD) and PPD antigen resulted significantly mora positive responses than TT in 34 healty subjects. There was no positive respons to TT in patients groups who were reactive to other antigens. There were good correlations between E-Roset O/o and absolute T-lympocyte number with positive TT skin test reactivity in healty subjects.


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How to Cite

Hacıbektaşoğlu, A., Şengül, A., Pasha, A., Kocabalkan, F., & Demiröz, P. (1990). The lmportonce of Tetanus Toxoid in the Evaluation of Delayed Type Hypersensitivity . European Journal of Therapeutics, 1(1), 50–56.



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