Thyroidectomy Complications


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  • Hayri Erkol Gaziantep Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi Ana Bitim Dalı
  • Asaf Ataseven Bezm-i Alem Valide Sultan Vakıf Gureba Hastanesi Genel, Cerrahi Kliniği





Thyroidectomy is performed frequently in our country. So, the post-thyroidectomy complications should be known in details and it shoulds be paid high attention tor the thyroidectomy rules in order to avoid from these complications. in this study, 582 patients with thyroidectomy have been investigated. Postthyroidectomy complications were diagnosed in 34 out of 582 patients. 23 out of 34 complicated patients had wound infections. The remaining complications were as follows; hypothyroidism in 2 cases, uni!ateral vocal cord paralysis, postoperative bleeding, exitus due to heart failure in one patient each; and goiter recurrency were reported in six patients during the late period after thyroidectomy.


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How to Cite

Erkol, H., & Ataseven, A. (1990). Thyroidectomy Complications: [TİROİDEKTOMİ KOMPLİKASYONLARI]. European Journal of Therapeutics, 1(2), 232–244.



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