The Serum and Saliva lgA Levels in Patients With Juvenile Periodontitis


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  • İbrahim Baydar Gaziantep Ü. Tıp. Fak. Eni. Hası. ve Ki. Baki. ABD
  • Serpil Baydar Gaziantep Ü. Tıp. Fak. Mik. ve ki. Mik. ABD
  • İclal Balcı Gaziantep Ü. Tıp Fak. Mik. ve Ki. Mik. ABD



Juvenil periodontitis immunglobulin A


In this study, the values of lgA in sera and stimulated parotis saliva of juvenile periodontitis patients and healthy were compared. Sixteen juvenile periodontitis patients were diagnosed and selected at the periodontology clinic of Dental Faculty of Gazi University. C!inically healthy subjects were students at the clinics of Dental Faculty. The results of the serum and saliva lgA determinations of juvenile periodontitis patiensts were significantly higher than those of the healthy individuals. (p 0.05).


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How to Cite

Baydar, İbrahim, Baydar, S., & Balcı, İclal. (1990). The Serum and Saliva lgA Levels in Patients With Juvenile Periodontitis: [JUVENİL PERİODONTİTSİLİ HASTALARDA SERUM VE TÜKÜRÜK lgA DÜZEYLERİ]. European Journal of Therapeutics, 1(2), 193–198.



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