Comparison of Therapeutic Effectiveness between Kinesio Taping Technique and Static Resting Splint in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome, kinesio taping, splintAbstract
Objective: We aimed to compare the kinesio taping (KT) technique and static wrist resting splint therapy in terms of clinical symptoms, hand grip strengt and daily living activities in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Methods: In this study, 25 of 42 patients with mild/moderate carpal tunnel syndrome received KT for 4 weeks, while the remaining 17 patients used a static wrist resting splint for the same period. For all the patients, details on age, sex, occupation, and degree of carpal tunnel syndrome were recorded. Tinel’s test, Phalen’s test, hand grip strength, and visual analogue scale (VAS) score for pain during the day and night were assessed before the treatment and in the first and third months after the treatment. The patients also completed a QuickDASH questionnaire. Results: No significant differences were found between the groups in terms of age, sex, and degree of carpal tunnel syndrome. In both groups, the VAS-day, VAS-night, and QuickDASH scores significantly decreased, while hand grip strength significantly improved after the treatment as compared with their pretreatment values. These effects were maintained for 3 months (p<0.005). The decrease in VAS-night score in month 1 and the improvement in hand grip strength in months 1 and 3 were statistically significant in the group who received KT, while the decrease in QuickDASH score was statistically significant in the group who received static wrist resting splint therapy (p<0.005). Conclusion: This study shows that treatment with KT and static wrist resting splint therapy improved the symptoms, daily living activities, and hand grip strength of the patients with mild/moderate carpal tunnel syndrome. In conclusion, we think that KT should be kept in mind as an alternative to conservative therapies in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome.
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