Protective Effect of Proanthocyanidin against Methotrexate-Induced Testicle Damage in Rats

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Methotrexate, proanthocyanidin, testis


Objective: Methotrexate (MTX) isawidely used chemotherapeutic agent showing side effects such as hepatotoxicity and also testicular damage due to an increase in the production of reactiveoxygen species. Proanthocyanidins (PACs) are known as natural antioxidants that have protective effects against oxidative stress. This study investigates the protective effect of PAC against the MTX-induced testicular damage.
Methods: Twenty-six male Wistar albinorats were divided into fourgroups. Saline (2 cc/kg) was administered to the control group, and PAC (200 mg/kg) was administered to the PACgroup for 7 days. The MTX group received a single dose of MTX (20 mg/kg) on Day 3. A total of 200 mg/kg of PACfor 6 days was administered to the PAC+MTX group, and the group also received a single dose of 20 mg/kg of MTX on Day 3. The animals were sacrificed on Day 8. Analyses were performed, in addition tolight and electron microscopic examinations on the testicular samples.
Results: Histopathological findings such as thinning of the seminiferous tubule epithelium and decrease in spermatogonial cells were detected in the MTX group. Electron microscopic findings indicated similar damage. The MDA levels increased in testicular tissues, while the SOD and GPX levels decreased significantly. The tissue damage and deterioration in biochemical parameters were decreased in the PAC+MTXgroup.
Conclusion: The results show that PAC does not completely prevent damage to the testicles caused by MTX but that it has an important protective effect.


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How to Cite

Yüncü, M., Zengin, G., Birinci, H., Bostancıeri, N., & Polat, S. (2019). Protective Effect of Proanthocyanidin against Methotrexate-Induced Testicle Damage in Rats. European Journal of Therapeutics, 25(1), 51–57.



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