Diagnosis and Treatment of Bronchocentric Granulomatosis: A Rare Case Report

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Aspergillosis, granuloma, necrotizing, resection


Bronchocentric granulomatosis is a necrotizing granulomatous lesion of the bronchi and bronchioles and a rare disease, which is not associated with any clinical or radiological findings. It usually affects adults and is often incidentally diagnosed on chest X-ray. The diagnosis is confirmed by histopathological evaluations of the lung biopsy specimens. The present study reports the case of a 58-year-old male patient with pulmonary nodules observed on chest X-ray performed as part of general screening. Thoracic computed tomography confirmed the presence of multiple nodular lesions. Both invasive and non-invasive methods failed to remove the masses, and an open lung biopsy was performed. The histopathological diagnosis reported bronchocentric granulomatosis. This case has been presented to highlight the importance of multidisciplinary management of all conditions, which helps in the accurate detection of rare diseases, such as bronchocentric granulomatosis.


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How to Cite

Kuzucuoğlu, M., Alpay, Y., Aslan, F., & Aydın, D. (2023). Diagnosis and Treatment of Bronchocentric Granulomatosis: A Rare Case Report. European Journal of Therapeutics, 25(2), 150–152. https://doi.org/10.5152/EurJTher.2018.300



Case Reports